About Us

Bundaberg & District Meals On Wheels Inc. is registered charity with the aim of supporting local Bundaberg residents.

Mission Statement

Bundaberg & District Meals on Wheels Incorporated supports and enhances the independence of the frail aged, younger people with disabilities and the primary carers of these groups of people, by the provision of quality meals, which enables them to remain living in their own homes.

Aim of Bundaberg & District Meals on Wheels Inc.

  • To provide one of the basic necessities of life, quality meals, home delivered to those in the greatest need.
  • The benefit of a caring visit providing a link with a community concerned for the well-being of its citizens.
  • To enable clients to remain living at home for as long as possible, and to maintain and enhance their independence and quality of life, thereby preventing early or inappropriate admission to a hospital, hostel or nursing home.
  • Provision of quality and nutritious meals to anyone that has a need.